PURCHINEERING 2.0: Trust, but verify

Curb parts and supplier multiplicity at an early stage

If the engineer has intelligent search methods on hand, conditions are perfect that standard parts or those preferred by procurement will be used in designing. But what happens if the engineer does not search at all or only superficially? The parts and supplier multiplicity increases, parts are designed anew instead of using supplier parts available in the market and preferred suppliers with existing framework contracts are disregarded.

How engineers are wired

Act with PARTsolutions and PURCHINEERING 2.0, before new parts are unnecessarily created

With PURCHINEERING 2.0, an automatic service monitors all parts that are newly checked into PLM, from the background, and checks to see if the component really has to be designed anew. If it is not correct to create a new data file for this part, a report is generated overnight and sent to the engineer concerned.

On request, different escalation levels can be defined: For instance if an engineer makes the mistake three times, a report can be transmitted to the supervisor.



  • Integrate easily into the existing business process
  • Background process, which does not require any effort and can not be bypassed
  • Signals in the early engineering phase
  • Information to designer or other departments
  • Severe restriction of creating new parts
  • Preventing new suppliers
  • Preventing new sizes
  • Focus on supplier instead of self-designed parts

PURCHINEERING overcomes obstacles

The new brochure about the Strategic Parts Management

PURCHINEERING is a combination of the words »purchase« and »engineering« and aims at the ideal cooperation between purchasing and engineering. Without the intensive cooperation between those two areas, companies can hardly realize their competitive edge. CADENAS Strategic Parts Management PARTsolutions offers you the possibility to optimize the cooperation of purchase and engineering:

You can get detaillied information about PURCHINEERING 2.0 in the forthcoming new edition of the PARTsolutions brochure. Order your personal copy in advance by sending us an email to Marketing@cadenas.de. Or just call us under +49 821 – 2 58 58 0-0.

