The DIAMOND Project is working on a Common Data Model for industry. To make it a success, as many companies as possible must use it in the future. Participate in the survey and help shaping the common data structure of tomorrow!

Practical experience plays an important role in the education of young engineers at the Osnabrück university of applied sciences. So that they can start their professional life well prepared later, the professors make PARTsolutions from CADENAS available to their students.

CADENAS is adding to the programme of the BIM Tage Deutschland 2023 under the motto "Let's Build Together". Over four days, the organisers, speakers and participants will discuss and answer the question of how BIM can help to overcome the current challenges of the construction industry.

A digital product catalog is 24/7 available to prospects, which speeds up the planning process. The digital product configurator from Butzbach allows customers to put together the perfectly fitting high-speed door for their industrial hall even faster.

Customers from industry often have very specific ideas and very rarely have time to wait for a well-founded answer from the manufacturer. MTF Technik solves this problem with a digital product configurator that suggests the appropiriate conveyor belt in just a few clicks.

CNH Industrial has entered into a collaboration with CADENAS Italiana as its partner for the management of parts research by geometry

CADENAS at the location in Belgrade, Serbia, has moved into a new office. The software developer had already expanded in February 2023 to offer customers an even faster and more comprehensive service internationally.